Future Plans
In the future, Datachain and Soramitsu aim to apply Iroha to specific use cases, focusing on the aforementioned expected use cases. In addition, Datachain and Soramitsu will expand use cases by supporting interoperability with heterogeneous blockchain infrastructures, such as Corda, mainly used in financial projects, including digital currencies.
We have also released the modules and other components we have implemented in this effort as OSS. We will consider upstreaming to Iroha in the future.
What is YUI, a Hyperledger Lab? YUI is a Hyperledger Lab that achieves interoperability between multiple heterogeneous blockchain platforms through IBC. As YUI adopts IBC, it enables different blockchains to communicate with each other without requiring trust in any third-party intermediaries.
Not only does YUI support Hyperledger Iroha, but also Ethereum and other major enterprise blockchains such as Hyperledger Fabric, Hyperledger Besu, and Corda.
For more information about Hyperledger Lab YUI, please visit the link below.
What is Hyperledger Iroha?
Hyperledger Iroha was released as a blockchain platform from Japan and is now used worldwide as OSS by The Linux Foundation. It is not only used for financial applications in digital currency such as CBDC in the Kingdom of Cambodia, but also for blockchain applications such as Digital ID and traceability due to its eatures such as easy management of assets, provision of a library for mobile app development, and easy integration into IoT devices.
*1 IBC: Inter-Blockchain Communication. A specification standard to ensure interoperability between blockchains, is being developed by the Interchain Foundation and the Cosmos Project.
*2 PVP settlement: Abbreviation for Payment Versus Payment settlement. Simultaneous settlement of transactions between different currencies.